
homelab | pi-cluster | |
2 | 2 | |
188 | 437 | |
5.9% | 2.7% | |
8.8 | 9.8 | |
3 months ago | 4 days ago | |
HCL | Shell | |
- | MIT License |
Stars - the number of stars that a project has on GitHub. Growth - month over month growth in stars.
Activity is a relative number indicating how actively a project is being developed. Recent commits have higher weight than older ones.
For example, an activity of 9.0 indicates that a project is amongst the top 10% of the most actively developed projects that we are tracking.
Continue with LocalAI: An alternative to GitHub's Copilot that runs everything locally
Do you want to test this setup on Kubernetes? Here is my resources that deploy LocalAI on my cluster with GPU support. Not sure on how to use GPU with Kubernetes on homelab setups? I wrote an article explaining how I configured my k3s to run using Nvidia's drivers and how they integrate with containerd.
- Here’s my publicly managed k3s Homelab repository using GitOps (ArgoCD)
Kubernetes cluster using Raspberry Pis with basic services (Storage,Logging, Monitoring, Backup). Building guides and automation with Ansible.
Then I decided to create a project, Raspberry PI Cluster to share my Ansible source code and installation guides, so others could build their own cluster for learning purposes or selfhosting their own applications.
New release of my Kubernetes Cluster Project automated with Ansible
Automation code (Ansible source code) is also at your disposal in project's git repository
What are some alternatives?
cluster - Lab Cluster - Kubernetes (k3s) cluster managed by GitOps (Flux). Built on Proxmox using Terraform amd Ansible.
raspberry-gateway - Simple yet powerful home gateway environment with Pi-Hole +Unbound, VPN, Torrent client and Internet monitoring, all managed by Portainer.
homelab-kube-cluster - Dan's Homelab Kubernetes Cluster - Operated through Kustomize & ArgoCD
multi-tenancy-gitops - Provides our opinionated point of view on how GitOps can be used to manage the infrastructure, services and application layers of K8s based systems
gitpod-self-hosted - Resources for managing your own Gitpod installation
k3s-on-prem-production - Playbooks needed to set up an on-premises K3s cluster and securize it
model-gallery - :card_file_box: a curated collection of models ready-to-use with LocalAI
turing-pi-cluster - DEPRECATED - Turing Pi cluster configuration for Raspberry Pi Compute Modules
eks-tf-gitops - A fully functional and secure EKS cluster provisioned with Terraform and powered by ArgoCD
homelab - Source code to create a home lab. Part of a video tutorial
gitops-playground - Creates a complete GitOps-based operational stack on your Kubernetes clusters
cluster-k8s-rpi - Personal project to deploy K8s and Linkerd on Rpi 4 using Ansible.