
Gatsby | craco | |
370 | 32 | |
55,716 | 7,441 | |
0.7% | 0.0% | |
8.7 | 6.4 | |
7 days ago | about 1 year ago | |
JavaScript | TypeScript | |
MIT License | Apache License 2.0 |
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Activity is a relative number indicating how actively a project is being developed. Recent commits have higher weight than older ones.
For example, an activity of 9.0 indicates that a project is amongst the top 10% of the most actively developed projects that we are tracking.
I built a recipe website
I initially built the site using a static site technology called Gatsby, not realizing that it was actually a dead project. After a little research, I found that Next.js is a pretty popular alternative for building a static site, so I set myself to the task of porting it.
From Gatsby to Next.js: Why We Migrated Our Blog and How You Can Too
After Netlify’s acquisition of Gatsby, the framework’s development trajectory shifted. With a focus on integrating with Netlify’s ecosystem, Gatsby’s innovation appears to be gone. Throughout the entire 2024 we’ve seen only 1 minor update in the 5.x branch and even that consists mainly of bumped dependencies and small fixes:
A 2024 Retrospective: My Unexpected Astro & Laravel Love Affair
Marking the first days and months of 2024 I started a site to host articles and blogs and what I called uploadz and missivz. I am using Astro having migrated from Gatsby in years previous. Astro is arguably faster to compile static sites and has a simpler, cleaner, in my view, way of creating simple component based web pages. It has the capability of embedding 'islands' of react, svelte, even plain Javascript and far more without having to go full on SPA if you don't want to. This was too tempting not to take a look and quite frankly I got hooked. Whilst I don't use a fraction of what Astro has to offer it has become a go-to for me for not just static sites but also to create POCs, quick Demos and more. It also has become the basis of a lightweight content management system I am developing and have implemented this year for clients and a non-profit. The CMS I refer to uses a back-end written in Laravel.
A Guide to Server-Side Rendering
Gatsby: Primarily a static site generator, but also supports SSR.
Getting started with Shadcn/UI in React: A practical guide
It is a collection of beautifully designed user interface (UI) components that you can easily copy and paste into your applications. Developers can use it with any framework that supports React, like Next, Gatsby, Remix, and others.
Best React Frameworks: Which One Should You Choose and When?
Gatsby Official Documentation
How I Built My Personal Website for Free with Hugo
My previous website used the Gatsby framework, for a simple reason: I am very familiar with React, so I thought customization would be easier. However, I later realized I didnt have time to maintain a bunch of Typescript and Javascript, which made me reluctant to update my website. This time, I choose Hugo. Maintaining a small amount of Go Template is easier, and I am familiar with Golang, too.
Taming the Beast: Structuring Large-Scale React Applications 🏗️
Gatsby: A static site generator ideal for content-heavy websites, offering performance optimizations out of the box. Gatsby Documentation
- Hexo et Hugo : deux générateurs statiques bien pratiques
Frontend frameworks: Next/Nuxt/Gatsby: Mastering one or knowing all
**Gatsby** is optimized for building fast static websites and apps with a focus on performance and SEO. It uses GraphQL for data management.
Htmx and Web Components: A Perfect Match
I had some 'fun' figuring out how to deal with not going through create-react-app without doing a full eject, got something barely working ... and discovered already existed and did precisely what I'd part-implemented except better.
On the upside, by that point I knew the CRA codebase well enough to predict what it would do even in edge cases, and CRACO's implementation was immediately comprehensible, and none of my colleagues had to try and understand my half-arsed NIH version.
(avoiding being in any of this situation in the first place would likely have been preferable, but given where things were when I landed on the project in question that would've required a TARDIS)
Gzip Compression and IIS Setup on Windows Server for React Projects
If you initiated your React application using create-react-app, leverage @craco/craco to override your webpack configuration.
Build a web editor with react-monaco-editor
Ejecting a React app is a bad idea because our application will lose all the React configurations and will not benefit from the CRA updates. Some solutions for ejecting our application include using packages like react-app-rewired or rewire. You can also use CRACO to eject your React application, but it needs you to install additional plugins.
How are you building React applications? It's time to move on from Create React App
So, instead of entirely managing these configuration files, teams took to utilizing tools such as Craco to override configurations. These tools also come with their limitations: they were not updated as quickly as CRA, so there was always a lag in implementing new features, and they added an extra layer of complexity to existing tools through overrides and additional tools.
How to start a React Project in 2023
I am not much of a fan of CRA myself but I am very much glad that exists - so far it's handled my needs for tweaking CRA behaviour in situations where "eject" didn't seem like a good route to take.
Mostly tbh to stop the freaking thing spawning inotify watchers for the entire contents of node_modules - I don't mind having to do a manual restart when I've changed dependencies and I definitely -do- mind having it eat a shedload of my user's inotify kernel allocation. (I know you can up the allocation, that's not the point, why are you on my lawn? :)
- How can I make my CRA server start up quicker?
How to bypass mobile app review thanks to Capacitor, Ionic, and micro frontends 🤯
As I mentioned, in our case, the perfect tool for this job is CRACO. It will let us simply overwrite CRA’s configuration without ejecting.
Top packages for React Development
Create react app + Craco
Working with Ant Design in React - Customization
Or I could use Craco with Craco-less. Craco 6+ doesn't work with 5+ versions of react-scripts. I know I could use yarn instead of NPM which doesn't stop the installation of craco, but it can't be the solution. We can't scrap the project and restart. Further, Craco 7-alpha installs but then craco-less doesn't.
CRA vs Parcel
If you want to customize the webpack configuration, you either need to eject, or to work against the package (with yarn patch, forking react-scripts, or using CRACO which is the easiest). But none of them are officially maintained by the CRA team.
What are some alternatives?
Svelte - web development for the rest of us
react-app-rewired - Override create-react-app webpack configs without ejecting
eleventy 🕚⚡️ - A simpler site generator. Transforms a directory of templates (of varying types) into HTML.
webpack - A bundler for javascript and friends. Packs many modules into a few bundled assets. Code Splitting allows for loading parts of the application on demand. Through "loaders", modules can be CommonJs, AMD, ES6 modules, CSS, Images, JSON, Coffeescript, LESS, ... and your custom stuff.
SvelteKit - web development, streamlined
vite - Next generation frontend tooling. It's fast!
astro - The web framework for content-driven websites. ⭐️ Star to support our work!
create-react-app - Set up a modern web app by running one command.
React - The library for web and native user interfaces.
Next.js - The React Framework
why-did-you-render - why-did-you-render by Welldone Software monkey patches React to notify you about potentially avoidable re-renders. (Works with React Native as well.)