
ffsend | udiskie | |
27 | 15 | |
7,020 | 904 | |
- | 0.9% | |
3.6 | 8.0 | |
over 1 year ago | 2 months ago | |
Rust | Python | |
GNU General Public License v3.0 only | MIT License |
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Send: Open-source fork of Firefox Send
A command line version brought by the same author: https://github.com/timvisee/ffsend
Pingvin Share - A self-hosted file sharing platform
That has a nice associated command line tool too handy for scripting (e.g. make bat file you can drop file on to share etc).
Self-hosted alternative to DocSend?
I would also recommend https://github.com/timvisee/ffsend
- GitHub - timvisee/ffsend: Easily and securely share files from the command line. A fully featured Firefox Send client.
Hacker News top posts: Jun 25, 2022
ffsend: A fully featured Firefox Send command line client\ (42 comments)
- ffsend。一个功能齐全的Firefox Send命令行客户端 (ffsend: A fully featured Firefox Send command line client)
- ffsend: A fully featured Firefox Send command line client
Mount usb with user access
The most common approach (though a bit different) to get write access for users is probably using udisks[1]/udiskie[2] which use udev and polkit [3]. udiskie even supports luks unlocking [4].
How to mount LUKS encrypted USB storages (and HDDs inserted to hot swappable drive bay) automatically when connected? The machine is running headlessly, does not have desktop environments installed.
https://github.com/coldfix/udiskie looks close, but does it work without desktop environments? Is there alternatives to udiskie that doesn't require desktop environments and supports unlocking LUKS encrypted volumes?
Automount luks encrypted external USB drive?
Based on https://github.com/coldfix/udiskie/blob/master/doc/udiskie.8.txt and https://github.com/coldfix/udiskie/issues/66#issuecomment-289204539, you probably need to create a configuration for the encrypted hard disk in the file ~/.config/udiskie/config.yml. For example, as follows.
New to wm, I choose i3-gaps, any suggestions?
For example, I typically ran things like lxpolkit, nm-applet, redshift, udiskie and xfce4-power-manager when I used i3.
- External Device Detection
I3wm - How to get notified for an external device being connected?
By running udiskie in your i3 session, for example.
Allow a user mount/dismount HDD's without sudo
This. There is also udiskie, a GUI tool with notification icon, support for unlocking encrypted partitions, powering off USB devices, and so on.
- Please add paragraph "Automount external drives" into doc
basic applets/tray apps for tiling wm
I've used udiskie to handle removable drives in i3.
- Do polkit rules work without elogind?
What are some alternatives?
send-instances - 🌍 A list of public Send instances. Mirror.
jellex - TUI to filter JSON and JSON Lines data with Python syntax
transfer.sh - Easy and fast file sharing from the command-line.
skim - Fuzzy Finder in rust!
send - :mailbox_with_mail: Simple, private file sharing. Mirror of https://gitlab.com/timvisee/send
sl - SL(1): Cure your bad habit of mistyping
magic-wormhole - get things from one computer to another, safely
inxi - inxi is a full featured CLI system information tool. It is available in most Linux distribution repositories, and does its best to support the BSDs.
Browser - Do some browser detection with Ruby. Includes ActionController integration.
lgogdownloader - LGOGDownloader is unofficial downloader to GOG.com for Linux users. It uses the same API as the official GOG Galaxy.
pcopy - pcopy is a temporary file host, nopaste and clipboard across machines. It can be used from the Web UI, via a CLI or without a client by using curl.
rofi - Rofi: A window switcher, application launcher and dmenu replacement