
changesets | semver | |
34 | 772 | |
9,457 | 7,361 | |
2.6% | 0.6% | |
8.6 | 0.0 | |
8 days ago | 7 months ago | |
TypeScript | ||
MIT License | - |
Stars - the number of stars that a project has on GitHub. Growth - month over month growth in stars.
Activity is a relative number indicating how actively a project is being developed. Recent commits have higher weight than older ones.
For example, an activity of 9.0 indicates that a project is amongst the top 10% of the most actively developed projects that we are tracking.
How to temporarily silence logs in tests
When you are trying to understand the source code, you can use documentation as your starting point and search for variables and functions to set the direction for your exploration when you are dealing with large projects like Changesets.
Manage your versioning and changelogs using Changesets
In this article, an overview of Changesets and its usage in t3-env are provided.
Things I wish I knew before I started an open-source project
As a general rule, I recommend against completely automating the release of your software and instead have a manual approval step required at some point in the process. Tools like changesets, the one we use at Latitude, greatly help with this. Changesets takes care of publishing new packages, updating changelogs, and tagging releases, yet it can only do so via automatic pull requests that have the same approval requirements as any other PR at Latitude.
How I Build Paradise UI: A React UI Component Library
All these versioning management is done with Changesets library
I made a set of devtools for small projects
In my circles, this is the go-to for release automation / changelogs:
Criando um Design System reutilizável entre React e React Native com Tamagui
🦋 Publicando com changesets
- Changesets
Nx - Highlights of 2023
Open source libraries and frameworks share a common necessity: the need to develop multiple packages cohesively and efficiently while managing their versioning and publishing to NPM. Nx has emerged as a go-to choice for handling such open source monorepos (as we'll explore further in the next section of this blog post). Until recently, one area Nx did not address directly was versioning and release management. Traditionally, this gap has been filled with tools like release-it, changesets, or custom Node scripts, similar to our approach in the Nx repository.
Automate NPM releases on GitHub using changesets 🦋
Doing these tasks by hand can quickly become a hassle. If you're open to receiving contributions from others, it can be an even bigger headache. In this post we'll cover how to use changesets to automate all of these steps.
- Show HN: Changesets, manage your versioning and changelogs
Top Terraform/OpenTofu tools to Use in 2025
Semver 2.0.0 Compatibility Tenv utilizes go-version for semantic versioning and HCL parsing to extract version constraints from files like required_version in Terraform/OpenTofu or Terragrunt HCL files.
"The Strawberry in the Cake" - Challenges of Libraries and Dependency Management
- Semantic Versioning: Follow semantic versioning principles (MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH) to help consumers understand the impact of updates.
Show HN: Vigilant – fast dev-friendly logs
I've seen people use semantic versioning to version APIs and SDKs
We at Skyvern are still doing patch versions only
Helm Chart Essentials & Writing Effective Charts 🚀
Update version in Chart.yaml according to SemVer principles.
How to Publish Your First npm Package: A Step-by-Step Guide
version: The version number, following semantic versioning.
All the Git Commands You Need to Know
You can then add a commit message to your check-in. Some developer teams follow the Conventional Commit specification when adding commit messages, which dovetails SemVer and makes it easier to publish release notes based on widely known standards.
Starting with semver `1.0.0`
But after reading this interesting Issue on the semver repo: my opinion is changing. Using version 0.x indicates instability, true, but the reality is that some libraries are unstable.
- Seu Primeiro Pacote NuGet: Um Passo a Passo Prático
Htmx 2.0.4 Released
In addition to what the siblings say, in case parent isn't aware of semantic versioning:
# How to write good commit messages
Senamtic Versioning -
What are some alternatives?
lerna - Lerna is a fast, modern build system for managing and publishing multiple JavaScript/TypeScript packages from the same repository.
react-native - A framework for building native applications using React
nx - Build system, optimized for monorepos, with AI-powered architectural awareness and advanced CI capabilities.
semantic-release - :package::rocket: Fully automated version management and package publishing
tailwind-config-viewer - A local UI tool for visualizing your Tailwind CSS configuration file.
cs-topics - My personal curriculum covering basic CS topics. This might be useful for self-taught developers... A work in development! This might take a very long time to get finished!
Visual Studio Code - Visual Studio Code
standard-version - :trophy: Automate versioning and CHANGELOG generation, with and
tailwindcss-classnames - Functional typed classnames for TailwindCSS
TermuxBlack - Termux repository for hacking tools and packages
nextjs-monorepo-example - Collection of monorepo tips & tricks
helmfile - Deploy Kubernetes Helm Charts