
blackfriday | goldmark | |
4 | 13 | |
5,499 | 3,852 | |
0.4% | 2.1% | |
0.0 | 7.3 | |
about 1 year ago | 4 months ago | |
Go | Go | |
GNU General Public License v3.0 or later | MIT License |
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I wrote a markdown to html converter
unless this is an exercise in "how to make my own markdown processor" I'd suggest using proven
Question about goldmark
Have you looked at other libraries, if this one doesn't have the features you want? For example Black Friday might be more to your liking.
Compounding Competence
On the backend when generating the emails: For this, I chose a popular Go markdown library BlackFriday.
Crow: A simple command-line utility (written in Go) that lets you repeat any command when you change certain files.
go: downloading v2.0.1
Create a Hugo Theme from Scratch - III
Hugo uses goldmark to render markdown, and render hooks allow developers to override the rendering of specific components. Currently supported are:
Markdown library recommendations
Goldmark used by Hugo.
I wrote a markdown to html converter
Yuin/Goldmark is the new standard Go Markdown processor. Black Friday is older.
Sweeter searches with Pagefind
As for Hugo with its built-in goldmark Markdown parser and included Footnote extension, a footnote’s HTML begins like this (here, it’s the first footnote in a page):
Question about goldmark
I am writing a library to convert markdown to HTML. In Go, the common library is
The strongest principle of the blog's growth lies in the human choice to deploy it
Hugo -> goldmark -> goldmark-highlighting -> chroma
Run in your terminal
Primarily born out of the annoyance of never-ending README copy & paste, our teammate Adam Babik decided to utilize a Markdown Abstract Syntax Tree parser to generate a naive digest of README snippets and make them easily runnable. This is a prototype (take the happy path!), but we are pleased with the initial results. Illustrated here using Husky - a popular solution to manage git hooks:
- - Multiline cells in a table
Building table in markdown is super easy and well-documented. However, having a bit of formatting within it, like carriage return within a cell as below is not possible by default. Hugo uses Goldmark (a CommonMark implementation in Go) to process the markdown. Apparently it's extremely fast, with this implementation we choose to block any HTML processing d'HTML by default.
Is Astro ready for your blog?
Comparison: By default, Eleventy uses Markdown-it; like Astro, Gatsby and Next.js use Remark; and Hugo uses goldmark. As for Astro’s ability to mix components and Markdown on a page, probably the closest analogy to this is the use of MDX files in Gatsby and Next.js; Eleventy and Hugo can’t do this (however, see also “Components,” below, for some words on how Eleventy and Hugo use shortcodes which can provide some degree of code-in-Markdown functionality). Note that migrating an existing site to Astro from any of these other platforms probably will involve far more editing to your existing Markdown content than if you were migrating between two of the non-Astro platforms in this mix.
Generating HMTL and MD files from .TXT in GO
3rd party libraries: goldmark for converting MD syntax to HTML
What are some alternatives?
github_flavored_markdown - GitHub Flavored Markdown renderer with fenced code block highlighting, clickable header anchor links.
markdown - markdown parser and HTML renderer for Go
ODF - Open Document Format (ODF) generator library for Go.
chroma - A general purpose syntax highlighter in pure Go
gographviz - Parses the Graphviz DOT language in golang
go-exprtk - Go Mathematical Expression Toolkit. Run-time mathematical expression parser and evaluation engine.
jsonpath - JSONPath with dot notation generator for golang
easy-markdown-editor - EasyMDE: A simple, beautiful, and embeddable JavaScript Markdown editor. Delightful editing for beginners and experts alike. Features built-in autosaving and spell checking.
Markov Chain Algorithm - A Markov chain algorithm generates text by creating a statistical model of potential textual suffixes for a given prefix.
sh - A shell parser, formatter, and interpreter with bash support; includes shfmt
goldmark-pdf - A PDF renderer for the goldmark markdown parser.