
bach | Recaf | |
5 | 24 | |
236 | 6,216 | |
0.0% | 1.2% | |
7.8 | 9.8 | |
10 days ago | 6 days ago | |
Java | Java | |
Universal Permissive License v1.0 | MIT License |
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- Java Modules in Real Life
- Brian Goetz: Paving the On-Ramp (To Java)
Splitting software into multiple applications and libraries. Most practical ways!
Projects like bach do serve to make the case that, if the resolution/build library piece were filled in, building and maintaining a multi module or multi-whatever project using just javac/jar/etc with Java build programs would be practical.
Multi-release JARs - Good or bad idea?
Have you heard about/looked into bach? It's a build-tool based mostly around pumping the output of one jdk tool into another.
Non-Android projects that use Gradle?
Not quite that, but bach is a build tool trying to simplify that java build process.
what is the easiest way to decompile, edit and recompile a mod?
IF you've got the legal situation all sorted out, and know that you need to change a Java class file, and know how to program in Java, I'd suggest Recaf. With it, you can import a jar file, decompile, edit and recompile any source files in it, and export the whole thing again.
Is there any tool for Java reverse engineering that doesn't totally suck?
No one seems to mention Recaf wich is the best option IMO. You can choose between different decompilers (Fernflower, CFR, Jadx, Procyon and others) has bytecode editing capabilities (you don't have to fully decompile, you can edit the bytecode directly), built in peephole optimizations for flow and number obfuscations, various search options for methods, members, strings, and method virtualization via SSVM
What happened to JFX-Central?
Uhhh, no? For something like JavaFX, which I've complained about its bad native handling before, you can still make a multi-platform jar with a little bit of effort. For instance my project Recaf is distributed as a single JAR file. Just install JDK 11+ and you're good to go.
Visual diff text comparator GUI component
I did something like this, but its not its own control/library:
- How to decompile jars (how not to get ratted v2)
The Code the FBI Used to Wiretap the World
The decompiler they used to view that code is not very good, that output is garbled.
If you're going to take apart JVM bytecode, you're better off using Recafe or Quiltflower.
Rat finding tools
I've recently been searching for tools that can help me find rats within jar files. So far I've found jd-gui and Recaf, do you all have any suggestions for other tools?
Simple loading Pop up - how to add?
- is diablo crack safe or nah
Java versus Kotlin - personal experiences
#1: Are you interested in learning about low latency zero allocation programming? #2: Recaf: Java bytecode reversing tool I've been working on for the past 3.5 years | 37 comments #3: My experimental IDE plugin for displaying all project files in a single view, with zoom/pan and code editing. More info in comments. | 57 comments
What are some alternatives?
packr - Packages your JAR, assets and a JVM for distribution on Windows, Linux and Mac OS X
jpexs-decompiler - JPEXS Free Flash Decompiler
QuickShell - QuickShell is an Eclipse plugin to use Java JShell inside the Eclipse IDE.
deobfuscator - The real deal
counterpoint - A BERT-inspired masked sequence model for harmonisation in the style of J.S. Bach.
client - ARCHIVED - KAMI Blue: a continuation of 1.12.2 KAMI
metainf-services - Generates META-INF/services files automatically
vineflower - Modern Java decompiler aiming to be as accurate as possible, with an emphasis on output quality. Fork of the Fernflower decompiler.
mrjar-gradle-plugin - A multi-release JAR plugin for Gradle
SnapCharts - A Java and JavaScript charting package
Ghidra-Cpp-Class-Analyzer - Ghidra C++ Class and Run Time Type Information Analyzer