asreview | lightning-hydra-template | |
1 | 9 | |
680 | 4,425 | |
3.4% | 1.4% | |
9.5 | 0.9 | |
4 days ago | 6 months ago | |
Python | Python | |
Apache License 2.0 | MIT License |
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[R] Researchers at Utrecht University Develop an Open-Source Machine Learning (ML) Framework Called ASReview to Help Researchers Carry Out Systematic Reviews
- User-friendly PyTorch Lightning and Hydra template for ML experimentation
Best practice for saving logits/activation values of model in PyTorch Lightning
I've been trying to learn PyTorch Lightning and Hydra in order to use/create my own custom deep learning template (e.g. like this) as it would greatly help with my research workflow. A lot of the work I do requires me to analyse metrics based on the logits/activations of the model.
[D] Is Pytorch Lightning + Wandb a good combination for research?
I can't say for sure whether it is the best combination for research in the long run, but if you do go down that route I have found this template very useful
How research scientists structure their code ?
[D] Any research specific PyTorch based boilerplate code?
This lightning + hydra template is quite complete. Great for learning best practices.
Typing and testing for torch
A good example is this project template It uses a lot of cool things such as
Our template to kickstart your pytorch projects, with list of best practices. Minimal boilerplate code. Leverages Lightning + Hydra. Focused on scalability, reproducibility and fast experimentation.
and many more! (checkout the #Your Superpowers section of the readme)
General and feature-rich PyTorch/Hydra project template for rapid and scalable ML experimentation, with a list of best practices
I write a LightningDatamodule. I found it to be an intuitive way to encapsulate any dataset. LightningDatamodule is a simple abstraction providing methods for data download, split, transforms and exposing dataloaders. Would love to see more researchers try out this concept, even in projects which don't use pytorch lightning. Reading LightningDatamodule makes me immedietely see how the dataset is prepared, while it seems like most data science projects throw around data logic across different parts of the pipeline, making it hard to understand what's going on. You can see example of such datamodule here
[P] General and feature-rich PyTorch/Hydra template for rapid and scalable ML research/experimentation, with a list of best practices
I feel like most ML people don't use those tools because they simply don't realize all the advantages (especially Hydra seems like a very useful addition to any deep learning project). I focused on structuring the readme in a way, which (I hope) will give you a quick overview - my hope is it can help to spread the word about those frameworks in a broaded community. It incorporates best practices and tricks I gathered over the last couple of months of playing around with it.
What are some alternatives?
arxivbox - Web interface for browsing arXiv papers
neptune-client - 📘 The experiment tracker for foundation model training
People-Counting-in-Real-Time - People Counting in Real-Time with an IP camera.
garage - A toolkit for reproducible reinforcement learning research.
dreamerv2 - Mastering Atari with Discrete World Models
lightning-transformers - Flexible components pairing 🤗 Transformers with :zap: Pytorch Lightning
scenic - Scenic: A Jax Library for Computer Vision Research and Beyond
traingenerator - 🧙 A web app to generate template code for machine learning
orion - Asynchronous Distributed Hyperparameter Optimization.
pytorch_tempest - My repo for training neural nets using pytorch-lightning and hydra
DeepFaceLab - DeepFaceLab is the leading software for creating deepfakes.
lightning-hydra-template - Deep Learning project template best practices with Pytorch Lightning, Hydra, Tensorboard.