aspnet-api-versioning | FluentValidation | |
12 | 24 | |
3,027 | 8,992 | |
0.4% | 0.8% | |
8.7 | 7.4 | |
5 months ago | 13 days ago | |
C# | C# | |
MIT License | Apache License 2.0 |
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Web API Versioning - 'apiVersion' constraint
Here is a code example
- Best way to version a CQRS-oriented REST api
- How do you handle API versioning? And naming.
- Is this a common way to version REST apis
Angular, ASP.NET core web api, and DTOs
- The DTOs on the server should generally not change without warning. A deprecation cycle should ideally be in place so consumers can keep up over time and front end development doesn't have to be lock-step with the services the consume. Ideally some period of time between service v1 being deprecated and service v2 being required to allow consumers to react ( in this case, you're the consumer, so be kind to yourself ). Deets:
8 quick tips to improve your .NET API
This API versioning can be parameterized with some options, including the default version or even how the versioning will be done, whether by URL, header or media type. For more details, you can access the official documentation.
Entity Changes and API Versioning - Looking for best practice something like this
API version control (route name error)
Could you not achieve what you want by using ASP.NET API versioning - there's a by namespace example here
.NET Core — API Versioning
A lista completa pode ser vista aqui:
Web API in 5 Hours (2021)
You don't have to use attributes. You can use conventions. See here.
🚀 Introducing NextSolution V2: ASP.NET API + Next.js + Expo Starter Template
This template was built using a variety of powerful frameworks and tools, including: .NET, Ngrok, JWT (JSON Web Tokens), Entity Framework, AutoMapper, FluentValidation, Flurl, Humanizer, libphonenumber-csharp, MailKit, OAuth, Serilog, Twilio, Swagger, React.js, React Native, React Navigation, Axios, Expo Dev, Lodash, NativeWind, React Hook Form, Zustand, Visual Studio Code, Visual Studio, Android Studio, Git, GitHub Copilot, Node.js, React Native Paper, NextUI
Nested validation in .NET
FluentValidation is undoubtedly the most popular third-party validation library on .NET. It is a robust choice if you need clean POCOs or multiple validation maps per type. However, its performance may surprise you.
FluentValidation inline validate
Note There is no formal documentation for inline validation. See source code.
20 Top C# Frameworks and Libraries on GitHub for Building Powerful Applications
18. FluentValidation.AspNetCore
Easiest way to build the fastest REST API in C# and .NET 7 using CQRS
Here is an example of Command handler with built-in Fluent Validation and fire and forget style:
8 quick tips to improve your .NET API
There is an RFC called Problem Details (RFC7807) that standardizes how an error in an API should be responded to for the client. If you use Fluent validation, you may have noticed that the response is within this pattern.
- [Parte 2] CQRS y MediatR: Validando con FluentValidation
Building REST APIs In .Net 6 The Easy Way!
here we're defining the input validation requirements using fluent validation rules. let's see what happens when the user input doesn't meet the above criteria. execute the same request in swagger with the following incorrect json content:
How to properly sanitise & check POST data from REST API? Which libraries can you suggest? best ways nowadays in 2022
I remember FluentValidation being a nice library for this type of stuff.
Improving Anemic Models
Literally the code example in the front page:
What are some alternatives?
api-guidelines - Microsoft REST API Guidelines
Mediator.Net - A simple mediator for .Net for sending command, publishing event and request response with pipelines supported
CleanArchitecture - Clean Architecture Solution Template for ASP.NET Core
Guard - A high-performance, extensible argument validation library.
Swashbuckle.AspNetCore - Swagger tools for documenting API's built on ASP.NET Core
CsvHelper - Library to help reading and writing CSV files
ApiVersioningSwagger - Api Versioning Swagger example
ReactJS.NET - .NET library for JSX compilation and server-side rendering of React components
bitplatform - Build all of your apps using what you already know and love ❤️
MediatR - Simple, unambitious mediator implementation in .NET
Enums.NET - Enums.NET is a high-performance type-safe .NET enum utility library