
dotfiles | ohmyzsh | |
1 | 601 | |
0 | 176,000 | |
- | 0.6% | |
8.2 | 9.5 | |
7 months ago | 15 days ago | |
Shell | Shell | |
MIT License | MIT License |
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Activity is a relative number indicating how actively a project is being developed. Recent commits have higher weight than older ones.
For example, an activity of 9.0 indicates that a project is amongst the top 10% of the most actively developed projects that we are tracking.
My .gitconfig File Dissected
Really cool, here's mine [0] that's slightly longer. I also have a bunch of other stuff that you may like.
I also have a few handy aliases for commands I never remember [1]. Don't need to have shortcuts like `git co` and others, because I use CMD + R with fzf to find what I need.
Supercharge Your Mac Terminal: A Step-by-Step Guide to iTerm2, Oh My Zsh & Powerlevel10k
Step 2: Setting Up Oh My ZSH
The easiest way to set up and configure your AWS CLI
If you are using Oh My ZSH as your shell of choice, you can add plugins=(... aws ) to your .zshrc / profile and besides having autocomplete for the AWS CLI you will also immediately see in the terminal window what is the current AWS profile you are logged in.
Adding time to bash history
Good news if you use zsh: just type history -i
TIL: Ghostty — a new and quite promising terminal emulator
I've mentioned above that I've been using robbyrussell (from here) for my iTerm2 terminal setup, so I wondered if the same one is available. I was about to start googling the list of available topics, but I've noticed a hint in the Ghostty doc to run ghostty +list-themes in the terminal, and here is what has happened:
My Terminal Setup for 2025 🚀
ZSH and Oh My ZSH offer superpowers to your terminal thanks to its customization and wide variety of plugins.
Can we communally deprecate Git checkout?
I made that exact thought many years ago and came to the direct opposite conclusion. It was worth the cognitive overhead to make the change and I haven't looked back. Most of the time I'm just hitting aliases (from OMZ's git plugin) e.g.
gsw git switch
Essential Kubernetes Setup for DevOps and Developers - A Community Based Guide
Zsh + Oh My Zsh Zsh + Oh My Zsh (OMZ) is a powerful and highly customizable shell setup. Zsh is an advanced shell that enhances the default bash experience with features like better autocompletion, improved scripting, and a more user-friendly syntax. Oh My Zsh is a framework that simplifies the management of Zsh configurations by providing a large collection of plugins, themes, and additional features. It helps improve your terminal productivity with tools like autocompletion for Git, Docker, Kubernetes, and more, while also offering eye-catching themes and an easy-to-manage configuration system. github
node unsupported engine when updating npm
Installing oh-my-zsh-nvm plugin (when zsh is in use)
My 2025 Tech Stack: Tools & Tech I'm Using This Year
VS code's built-in terminal with Oh My ZSH! for my Zsh config. I'm a GUI person, so I don't care much about fancy terminals.
Deploying Mancala with Minikube — A beginners guide
Oh My ZSH!
What are some alternatives?
tig - Text-mode interface for git
oh-my-posh - The most customisable and low-latency cross platform/shell prompt renderer
starship - ☄🌌️ The minimal, blazing-fast, and infinitely customizable prompt for any shell!
oh-my-bash - A delightful community-driven framework for managing your bash configuration, and an auto-update tool so that makes it easy to keep up with the latest updates from the community.
powerlevel10k - A Zsh theme
zimfw - Zim: Modular, customizable, and blazing fast Zsh framework
spaceship-prompt - 🚀✨ Minimalistic, powerful and extremely customizable Zsh prompt
alacritty - A cross-platform, OpenGL terminal emulator.
zsh-autocomplete - 🤖 Real-time type-ahead completion for Zsh. Asynchronous find-as-you-type autocompletion.
oh-my-fish - The Fish Shell Framework
zinit - Flexible and fast Zsh plugin manager with clean fpath, reports, completion management, Turbo, annexes, services, packages.
zsh-syntax-highlighting - Fish shell like syntax highlighting for Zsh.