
ActiveScaffold | RailsAdmin | |
- | 9 | |
1,111 | 7,913 | |
1.0% | 0.1% | |
9.6 | 7.8 | |
2 days ago | about 1 month ago | |
Ruby | Ruby | |
MIT License | MIT License |
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- Ask HN: Why aren't Django Admin style dashboards popular in other frameworks?
From partials to ViewComponents: writing reusable front-end code in Rails
We briefly considered migrating to a full-grown Rails admin interface, such as ActiveAdmin, RailsAdmin, Administrate or Avo. We especially liked Avo which is built on a very modern stack similar to ours (Tailwind + Hotwire + ViewComponents). In the end, we didn’t go this route as we found some of the options a bit too restrictive (even though Avo is very flexible) and we did not feel like trying to amend it to our needs. For example, Avo renders forms in a 1-field-per-row layout while we wanted something more similar to the Tailwind UI Stacked form layout. Nevertheless, we found a great deal of inspiration in the Avo code and its design principles.
railstart-niceadmin support more features
- [rails_admin](
railstart-niceadmin release now!Backend management system based on Bootstrap 5 and NiceAdmin and Rails 7
Admin Framework for Rails is very popular and i find it very easy to use.
🤷♀️ The easiest way to monitor your app in production is email?
It's really helpful to have a way to track what's going on with your application in production, things like: number of user sign ups, status of user accounts, number of X new database entries etc. Out of the box dashboards like Rails Admin are great but only go so far, eventually you will want significant customizations.
RailsAdmin: How to disable edit action?
I'm working on a rails project with rails_admin and multiple models. There are several people working on the backend and I want to remove the ability to edit some of the records which have a imported boolean set to true. This records should just be readable in rails_admin.
An Easy Admin Panel - Rails 6
Having an admin panel in your Rails application is honestly, to me, the best thing to do when it comes to keeping track of your users and giving them permissions. Finding out how to have an admin panel though, that was tough, mainly because I wasn’t searching for the right thing. The rails_admin gem, so simple but can control so much! The installation and usage is very simple depending on what you are trying to use it on. I should probably tell you, I am using devise with the user having a boolean attribute called admin.
Ask HN: What is an easy way to create web UIs as a back end dev/data scientist?
Check out Retool:
A wswig for internal UI/dashboards has a lot of value for companies that don't have a dedicated internal tools team.
My company had an internal tools teams at one point but it got killed because of other business priorities.
We use, that still requires development time and frontend knowledge, but the framework is terrible. is much better but also required development time and frontend knowledge.
What are some alternatives?
ActiveAdmin - The administration framework for Ruby on Rails applications.
Trestle - A modern, responsive admin framework for Ruby on Rails
motor-admin-rails - Low-code Admin panel and Business intelligence Rails engine. No DSL - configurable from the UI. Rails Admin, Active Admin, Blazer modern alternative.
Upmin Admin - Framework for creating powerful admin backends with minimal effort in Ruby on Rails.
Administrate - A Rails engine that helps you put together a super-flexible admin dashboard.
bhf - Rails-Engine-Gem that offers an admin interface for trusted user
Avo - The most powerful Ruby on Rails Admin Panel Framework!
Forest Admin - 💎 Ruby on Rails agent for Forest Admin to integrate directly to your existing Ruby on Rails backend application.