
WLED | hyperion.ng | |
603 | 43 | |
15,859 | 3,280 | |
2.0% | 2.5% | |
9.8 | 8.3 | |
7 days ago | 4 days ago | |
C++ | C++ | |
European Union Public License 1.2 | MIT License |
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Ask HN: What are the best programmable holiday lights?
Many 'effects' already prepackaged. Plus the ability to schedule time based changes (on/off/change pattern/etc.). Includes a web server to provide "app like" control over a phone or PC. Also includes integrations for several "home control" systems and a http API for programmatic control from another system. Can even synchronize plural controllers into a whole 'net' (note, I've not used this feature yet).
Small ESP32 boards (with wifi capability) such as this example (no affiliation, just an example that works):
WS2811 LED strings [1] (of which there are an infinite variety) suitable for outdoor use. One example (no affiliation):
Suitable power supplies, outdoor weather sealed boxes, and wiring (all left to you to locate).
Willingness to assemble the pieces and some time to do so. Having a soldering iron is helpful here, although one could possibly get by with screw terminal blocks inside weatherproof boxes if need be for many of the 'connections'.
[1] Or other 'programmable LED' strings for which WLED is compatible (it works with numerous different programmable LED standards, browse the WLED website for details).
- Examples of Great URL Design (2023)
Ask HN: What have you built with ESPHome, ESP8266 or similar hardware
I think you're one of todays lucky 10000 [0] learning about WLED [1] today :)
[0] https://xkcd.com/1053/
[1] https://kno.wled.ge/
- Those RGB Pixel Christmas trees cost how much?
- Älytaloista kokemuksia?
- Welcome to WLED - WLED Project and LED projects
Anyone know where I could obtain these
I’ll do you one better: Here is the WLED main site - they cover everything - however you want it for your vehicle is up to you! (If you want to see a truck I personally worked (with 2 other main guys doing the woodwork and wiring) on that was probably the “most expensive” project with these controllers, check out the SEMA entered “Realtree Stormtrooper truck” - a LOT of time went in to that and almost a year of prep, not a fan myself, but custom electronics are what I like doing)
The perfect WLED board... is not working.
Did you use the esp32.bin? If so, you should instead use ESP32-C3 here: https://github.com/Aircoookie/WLED/releases/download/v0.14.0/WLED_0.14.0_ESP32-C3.bin
How do I get LED strips here? My plan is to use Govee H619A and PVC U profiles again (like in the last pic) for the green part but how do i get electricity up there? the outlet is X'ed 'cause theres gonna be a shower right under it and theres only one more outlet next to the sink in pic 2
Friend replaced all his govee cintrollers with WLED.
List of your reverse proxied services
Multiple WLED controllers
- Can Pipewire and GBM be friends?
TV ambiance?
You can DIY your own with a IC-based RGB/RGBW strip and a rPi or x86 PC + ESP microcontroller using software like Hyperion or HyperHDR, combined with WLED.
Ambient TV lights
You might be able to run an app on your TV, but unless you root it, you will be limited to DRM-free streams. If you have a spare Wyze and HDMI capture card, this is probably the easiest way to grab the video stream. There's no need to run piOS; Hyperion will run fine under Linux, MacOS or Windows using the latest release.
- This game justified the amount of money I spent on my Phillips hue sync box. Just ordered two more light bars.
Best alternatives to psieg / Lightpack?
What other ambient light implementations are out there? A cursor look suggest hyperion.ng maybe?
- My HA + Hyperion + WLED setup
HyperHDR & Pi 3b+ with SK6812 LEDs
Yeah the github page is a much better starting point.
DIY amblight tv is easy
Creating an ambilight effect requires you to have something that can read the screen to determine what lights to show, so that basically requires decoding and processing a video stream in real time which is beyond the capabilities of most typical MCU's like those used for WLED. There is a project called Hyperion but that requires a full Raspberry Pi and a USB HDMI capture card. There are lots of tutorials for this on YouTube
First streaming to my new panel. (12288 ws2812). It has to be Goku
This is the official repo: https://github.com/hyperion-project/hyperion.ng
I created a Raspberry Pi Pico based LED Strip Controller with a USB Interface (Source Code in Description)
Any reason you decided to "reinvent the wheel" instead of using an existing solution like Prismatic or Hyperion?
What are some alternatives?
NightDriverStrip - NightDriver client for ESP32
HyperHDR - Highly optimized open source ambient lighting implementation based on modern digital video and audio stream analysis for Windows, macOS and Linux (x86 and Raspberry Pi / ARM).
FastLED - The FastLED library for colored LED animation on Arduino. Please direct questions/requests for help to the FastLED Reddit community: http://fastled.io/r We'd like to use github "issues" just for tracking library bugs / enhancements.
hyperion-webos - hyperion.ng video grabber for webOS
Lightpack - Lightpack and Prismatik open repository
Tasmota - Alternative firmware for ESP8266 and ESP32 based devices with easy configuration using webUI, OTA updates, automation using timers or rules, expandability and entirely local control over MQTT, HTTP, Serial or KNX. Full documentation at
docker-hyper-hdr - Repo for
arduino-esp32 - Arduino core for the ESP32
HyperBian - Hyperion pre installed on Raspberry Pi OS Lite
LedFx - LedFx is a network based LED effect controller with support for advanced real-time audio effects! LedFx can control multiple devices and works great with cheap ESP8266 nodes allowing for cost effectvice syncronized effects across your entire house!
piccap - PicCap - Hyperion Sender App | Ambilight for LG WebOS TVs