Surfraw VS emacs-w3m

Compare Surfraw vs emacs-w3m and see what are their differences.

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Surfraw emacs-w3m
3 3
- 106
- 1.9%
- 6.2
- 24 days ago
Emacs Lisp
- GNU General Public License v3.0 only
The number of mentions indicates the total number of mentions that we've tracked plus the number of user suggested alternatives.
Stars - the number of stars that a project has on GitHub. Growth - month over month growth in stars.
Activity is a relative number indicating how actively a project is being developed. Recent commits have higher weight than older ones.
For example, an activity of 9.0 indicates that a project is amongst the top 10% of the most actively developed projects that we are tracking.


Posts with mentions or reviews of Surfraw. We have used some of these posts to build our list of alternatives and similar projects. The last one was on 2022-07-18.


Posts with mentions or reviews of emacs-w3m. We have used some of these posts to build our list of alternatives and similar projects. The last one was on 2022-02-25.

What are some alternatives?

When comparing Surfraw and emacs-w3m you can also consider the following projects:

fetch - wik is use to get information about anything on the shell using Wikipedia. [Moved to:]

doom-modeline - A fancy and fast mode-line inspired by minimalism design. - gopher server for, an interface to wikipedia

min - A fast, minimal browser that protects your privacy

pywikibot - A Python library that interfaces with the MediaWiki API. This is a mirror from Do not submit any patches here. See for contributing.

bin - My ~/bin dir

centaur-tabs - Emacs plugin aiming to become an aesthetic, modern looking tabs plugin

so - A terminal interface for Stack Overflow

youtube-dl - Command-line program to download videos from and other video sites

ox-hugo - A carefully crafted Org exporter back-end for Hugo