
SmartRefreshLayout | flexbox-layout | |
- | 6 | |
25,041 | 18,295 | |
0.2% | 0.1% | |
7.0 | 0.0 | |
2 months ago | 10 months ago | |
Java | Kotlin | |
Apache License 2.0 | Apache License 2.0 |
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Tracking mentions began in Dec 2020.
- How do you make your grid recyclerview items fit with different screen sizes?
Animations and Performance in Nested RecyclerViews
In order to properly encapsulate the reaction view logic, we created a class that extends RecyclerView and has a bind method that takes in the list of reactions and updates the RecyclerView’s adapter with that list. Given that we had to support a multi-line layout, we initially looked into using GridLayoutManager to achieve this but ended up finding an open-source library by Google named flexbox-layout that provides a LayoutManager that supports laying out items in multiple flex-rows, which is exactly what we needed. Using these ingredients, we were able to get a simple version of our layout up and running. What’s next was adding custom animations and improving performance.
Am I the only one that feels Compose is a step backward?
You could use FlexBoxLayout, though that's for the old system.
Is it obligatory to use sp?
I would highly recommend using sp for text sizes as users can change the font size in their settings. So if someone has bad vision and large text, your app would be disregarding scaling the text up. This does make it more difficult to create layouts that work for all text sizes, but there are patterns such as a constraint layout flow or flex box which will make everything in one row if the content fits our stack on top of each other if it doesn't fit in a single row.
- New to iOS dev, how do I create something similar to flexbox layout (from Android) in SwiftUI?
Example where Flow widget in ConstraintLayout shines
This blog doesn't really mention the actual case Flow tries to solve. It is more akin to FlexBoxLayout where it can wrap the row/column if the child widget's size exceeds the size of the container.
What are some alternatives?
AndroidSwipeLayout - The Most Powerful Swipe Layout!
android-gridlayout - A backwards compatible implementation of GridLayout for Android
DragLinearLayout - Android LinearLayout with drag and drop to reorder.
android-flowlayout - Linear layout, that wrap its content to the next line if there is no space in the current line.
Android-RatioLayout - This is a specified proportion to the size of the Layout or View support library, with which you can easily set a fixed ratio of the size of the Layout or View, internal adaptive size calculation, completely abandon the code to calculate the size! If you have any questions in the course or suggestions, please send an e-mail to the following e-mail, thank you!
FlowLayout - Android implementation of FlowLayout. Layout arranges its children in multiple rows depending on their width.
SuperSwipeRefreshLayout - A custom SwipeRefreshLayout to support the pull-to-refresh featrue.RecyclerView,ListView,GridView,NestedScrollView,ScrollView are supported.
android-linear-layout-manager - Linear Layout Manager which supports WRAP_CONTENT
Scrollable - Android scrollable tabs
Android Accordion Swipe Layout - Accordion Swipe Layout for Android
android-PullRefreshLayout - This component like SwipeRefreshLayout, it is more beautiful than SwipeRefreshLayout.
MultiLineRadioGroup - Multi Line Radio Group is a Radio Group layout to show radio buttons in more than one line.