RippleEffect | snackbar | |
- | - | |
4,921 | 1,525 | |
-0.1% | 0.0% | |
0.0 | 0.0 | |
about 4 years ago | over 9 years ago | |
Java | Java | |
MIT License | MIT License |
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We haven't tracked posts mentioning RippleEffect yet.
Tracking mentions began in Dec 2020.
We haven't tracked posts mentioning snackbar yet.
Tracking mentions began in Dec 2020.
What are some alternatives?
android-floating-action-button - Floating Action Button for Android based on Material Design specification
uberprogressview - :hourglass_flowing_sand: An android progress view developed after taking inspiration from Uber app.
Android-DialogFragments - Various DialogFragments for Android.
material-design-icons - Material Design icons by Google (Material Symbols)
ZDepthShadowLayout - Android - draw z-depth shadow of MaterialDesign
Carbon - Material Design implementation for Android 4.0+. Shadows, ripples, vectors, fonts, animations, widgets, rounded corners and more.
MaterialEverywhere - Showcase of the new AppCompat 21, which includes new Material Theme, working in pre-21 devices.
materialish-progress - A material style progress wheel compatible with 2.3
MaterialViewPager - A Material Design ViewPager easy to use library