
Pytesseract-streamlit-interface | leafmap | |
1 | 5 | |
3 | 3,269 | |
- | 1.0% | |
2.1 | 9.6 | |
5 months ago | 10 days ago | |
Python | Python | |
MIT License | MIT License |
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What's the BEST way to detect these letters on an image?
If you want to test the effects of different parameters of Pytesseract, I did a Streamlit interface a while ago where you upload an image and have the different "status" of the image displayed: Pytesseract Steamlit Interface
- FLaNK Stack for 25 September 2023
- Opengeos/leafmap: A Python package for interactive mapping, geospatial analysis
Rust Local Tile Server to display Geotiffs layer ?
My goal is to link leafmap with a local tile server in rust.
Does anyone know of a really solid tool for making satellite imagery timelapses? I've tried quite a few random open source projects but it's been hit and miss. They usually just seem to not work very well. Feels like this should be solved already.
Check out the streamlit app at Leafmap by Quisheng Wu. You can generate them online as a gif and I think there is also a module you can download and code with.
Any folks doing data engineering in the agriculture or energy space?
For USA & parts of world there is a the national map collection & API. Leafmap has a wrapper for it.
What are some alternatives?
streamlit-geospatial - A multi-page streamlit app for geospatial
martin - Blazing fast and lightweight PostGIS, MBtiles and PMtiles tile server, tile generation, and mbtiles tooling.
Screen-Translate - A Screen Translator/OCR Translator made by using Python and Tesseract, the user interface are made using Tkinter. All code written in python.
FLaNK-SaoPauloBrazil - FLaNK-SaoPauloBrazil
image-to-latex - Convert images of LaTex math equations into LaTex code.
every-breath-you-take - Heart Rate Variability Training with the Polar H10 Monitor
geemap - A Python package for interactive geospatial analysis and visualization with Google Earth Engine.
SeaGOAT - local-first semantic code search engine
Nkocr - 🔎📝 This is a module to make specifics OCRs at food products and nutritional tables.
h3-py - Python bindings for H3, a hierarchical hexagonal geospatial indexing system
pytesseract - A Python wrapper for Google Tesseract