haxl | unagi-streams | |
10 | - | |
4,287 | 2 | |
0.1% | - | |
4.2 | 0.0 | |
3 months ago | almost 4 years ago | |
Haskell | Haskell | |
BSD 3-clause "New" or "Revised" License | BSD 3-clause "New" or "Revised" License |
Stars - the number of stars that a project has on GitHub. Growth - month over month growth in stars.
Activity is a relative number indicating how actively a project is being developed. Recent commits have higher weight than older ones.
For example, an activity of 9.0 indicates that a project is amongst the top 10% of the most actively developed projects that we are tracking.
- Simon Peyton Jones – Haskell is useless [video]
- Is Haskell gaining or losing popularity?
Algebraic Effects: Another mistake carried through to perfection?
Sounds a bit like Haxl. From this page:
Ban 1+N in Django
+1. The JS event loop auto-monad-izing Promises into Haxl [1]-esqe trees of implicitly-batched loads has been a big win for us building on JavaScript/TypeScript.
If I had to move to another language, I'd really want to find a "powered by the event loop / dataloader" framework, i.e. Vert.x for Java.
Also, per dataloader, a shameless plug for our ORM that has dataloader de-N+1-ing built natively into all object graph traversals:
[1]: https://github.com/facebook/Haxl
Is Meta decommissioning Sigma?
and Haxl
11 Companies That Use Haskell in Production
Haxl, a framework for efficient and concise data fetching.
I would like a job writing Haskell
You mean, Haxl? [1] But AFAIK only a few devs are involved for the development.
[1] https://github.com/facebook/Haxl
Do You Know Where Haskell Is Used?
Probably, the most googled and well-known example of Haskell application in major companies is the Facebook Meta spam filters. Messages containing spam, links to potential malware and phishing attacks are filtered by Sigma, the system that was rewritten in Haskell in 2015. The choice of language was based, among other things, on performance requirements, the need for pure functions and static typing, as well as the possibility of interactive development. The Haxl framework is used under the bonnet, which the company has open-sourced. You can find more details about the development process and technical aspects in the company’s blog post.
What are the advantage of Object Oriented languages over Functional languages? Particularly mutability.
Their GitHub still seems pretty active https://github.com/facebook/Haxl
An Ideal Data-Model-First Development Approach for the real-world apps
Since you mention Any real-world application uses a database or seventeen in the backend, it's probably worth checking out https://github.com/facebook/Haxl as its goal is to allow you to write high-level queries in Haskell and have the library call out to different datasources as efficiently as possible.
We haven't tracked posts mentioning unagi-streams yet.
Tracking mentions began in Dec 2020.
What are some alternatives?
streamly - High performance, concurrent functional programming abstractions
named-lock - A named lock that is created on demand.
cspmchecker - The library FDR3 uses for parsing, type checking and evaluating machine CSP.
unagi-chan - A haskell library implementing fast and scalable concurrent queues for x86, with a Chan-like API
conceit - Concurrently + Either
stm-conduit - STM-based channels for conduits.
unagi-bloomfilter - A fast, cache-efficient, concurrent bloom filter in Haskell
chaselev-deque - A collection of different packages for CAS based data structures.
epass - Baisc, Erlang-like message passing for Haskell.
theatre - Minimalistic actor library for Haskell