
Discord-Auto-Spammer | messenger | |
1 | 7 | |
6 | 424 | |
- | 1.4% | |
4.1 | 4.4 | |
over 2 years ago | 9 months ago | |
PHP | PHP | |
- | MIT License |
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- any good chat APİ that can be integrated to my app?
Messenger chat package for Laravel
im currently looking at this one - GitHub - RTippin/messenger: Laravel messenger. A full messenger suite for your new / existing laravel app! Private and group threads between multiple models, with real-time messaging, reactions, attachments, calling, chat bots, and more!
Laravel Echo/SocketIO Best Channel Technique
You can checkout my Broadcast Interface and Broadcast Implementation to see the flows in which I go through. I have an abstract Broadcast Event Class where a parent only needs to define the broadcastAs such as in my NewMessageBroadcast. Finally, examples of the broadcast being triggered:
What is your favourite user messaging package?
You can check out the messenger package I am working on: Messenger
one to one chat - belongsToMany help/ideas?
For examples, you can check out my Messenger package.
Laravel Messenger Suite
Hello all! I have been working on a fully featured Messenger for a little over a year now, and would love your opinions.
Open source projects to be inspired
For personal open source projects, I am working on a messenger system myself! Feel free to check that out here: (uses routes/policies/jobs/queue/broadcast) Messenger
What are some alternatives?
Discord-User-Api - An API that does the user's work
laravel-messenger - Simple user messaging package for Laravel
DiscordPHP - An API to interact with the popular messaging app Discord
talk - Talk is a real-time users messaging and chatting system for Laravel.
fast-mail-bomber - Fast, multithreading, efficient and easy-to-use mail bombing/spamming tool. Sending mails via mailman services hosted by different providers.
laravel-echo-server - Socket.io server for Laravel Echo
SourceBans++ - Admin, ban, and comms management system for the Source engine
keystone.guru - A website where users can build and find their favorite routes for completing in Mythic Plus dungeons in World of Warcraft®
discord - Discord notification channel for Laravel
messenger-ui - Ready-made UI and web routes for core rtippin/messenger.
telescope - An elegant debug assistant for the Laravel framework.
messenger-faker - Addon for rtippin/messenger that adds commands to mock/emit realtime events and messages to a given thread. Includes sending images, documents, audio files, message reactions and system messages. Great for use in a dev environment.